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Jon Tester Campaign Launches “Farmers and Ranchers for Tester”

Campaign News September 19, 2024

MFT announces co-chairs and more than 200 initial members of the group supporting Jon, as well as a statewide newspaper ad running this week


BILLINGS – Montanans for Tester launched “Farmers and Ranchers for Tester,” a group of over 200 Montana farmers and ranchers backing third-generation dirt farmer Jon Tester for U.S. Senate. 


“As a third-generation farmer myself, I am proud to be a part of Montana’s rich history of family farms and ranches, they are the backbone of our state’s economy,” said Senator Jon Tester. “Montana’s farmers and ranchers feed the world and keep our rural communities strong. I’ll always go to bat for Montana’s producers and work with anyone in Congress to make sure there’s more transparency in our meat and agriculture industries.”


Along with the announcement, the Montanans for Tester campaign also launched statewide newspaper ads touting Sen. Tester’s work fighting for Montana’s farmers and ranchers. These full page ads will be running in 75 newspapers across Montana this week: 



“I am supporting Senator Tester for reelection. While we never agree with anyone 100%, Senator Tester has always been 100% for Montana agriculture, whether it be support for H-2A workers or water systems repair along the Montana Hi-Line with the St. Mary’s river project,” said Hans McPherson, a diversified farmer from Stevensville, Montana and the former president of the Montana Farm Bureau Federation. “As the only farmer in the United States Senate, he has my vote!” 


“Jon has been a great advocate for American agriculture and our freedom to operate,” said Leo McDonnell, a rancher from Columbus running the Midland Bull Test and ranching primarily in Montana and North Dakota. He’s held leadership positions in several state and national cattle associations. “He opposed regulations like mandatory EID tags and WOTUS, and he has been fighting Brazilian and Paraguayan beef and our foreign adversaries buying our land. He’s working to increase competition and transparency in our markets and reauthorize Country of Origin Labeling. And he has done all of this by working across the aisle with our Republicans.”


“Over the years I have worked with Jon on issues important to agriculture and to Montana,” said Gordon Stoner, a fourth-generation durum and pulse farmer from Outlook, Montana and the former president of the National Association of Wheat Growers. “He’s delivered for farmers on the northern border, on disaster relief, and on keeping stepped-up basis. Jon is Montana raised and educated with Montana values working tirelessly for all Montanans.”


Jon is a proud third-generation Montana dirt farmer who relentlessly defends Montana’s farmers and ranchers. Whether it’s tackling consolidation in the meatpacking industry or challenging Biden administration rules that hurt rural America, Jon is taking on bureaucrats and multinational corporations to stand up for Montana’s farmers and ranchers.



Aeric R. Stanford
Al B. Corvallis
Al Z. Stanford
Alan S. Hilger
Alan S. Chester
Albert S. Polson
Alex G. Browning
Allen L. Lewistown
Alvin H. Glendive
Amelia O. Ovando
Amy D. Heart Butte
Amy D. Eureka
Art H. Birney
Beau M. Cut Bank
Ben P. Garneill
Bob B. Big Sandy
Brett D. Choteau
Bruce S. Raynesford
Cameron S. Big Timber
Carol B. Red Lodge
Carol N Bridger
Carson P. Birney
Casey B. Fort Benton
Charles Y. Circle
Chris O. Ovando
Chris S. Bridger
Chris S. Dutton
Cindy P. Geyser
Cindy T. Stanford
Claire M. Stanford
Claire W. Rudyard
Clara S. Roy
Clarena B. Hays
Connie M. Moccasin
Curtis H. Harlem
Cynthia S. Columbia Falls
Dan D. Bigfork
Darlene S. Chester
Dave B. Great Falls
David O. Conrad
David S. Lewistown
David S. Homestead
Dean P. Garneill
Debby P. Brady
Debra A. Plentywood
Dena H. Glendive
Dennis H. Billings
Diana B. Browning
Diane O. Miles City
Dick S. Brockton
Dixie S. Homestead
Don E. Great Falls
Don G. Polson
Donna Q. Circle
Doug D. Havre
Douglas B. Dixon
Erik S. Power
Ethan Z. Stanford
Fay W. Anaconda
Floyd D. Forsyth
Francine D. Pablo
Fred C. Plains
Gary N Bridger
Gary O. Miles City
Gary T. Browning
Gayle P. Bigfork
Gene C. Manhattan
George Y. Conrad
Gilles S. Grass Range
Gordon S. Outlook
Hans M. Stevensville
Heidi T. Coffee Creek
Hugo T. Coffee Creek
Irene M. Dawson County
Jack C. Polson
Jack W. Anaconda
Jane C. Polson
Jane D. Lodge Grass
Jean D. Forsyth
Jeanie A. Birney
Jeanne M. Clinton
Jeff B. Inverness
Jess A. Stanford
Jim H. Froid
Jim L. Reed Point
Jim R. Browning
Jim S. Ovando
Jim S. Brockton
Joe M. Joplin
Joe P. Brady
Joel C. Polson
Joel F. Babb
John D. Whitefish
John W. Rudyard
John W. Ledger
Jon S. Havre
Juanita V. Greenough
Judy T. Coffee Creek
Kaly H. Arlee
Kara B. Great Falls
Karen R. Stanford
Kathy S. Baker
Kelly K. Stanford
Kelsey M. Fort Benton
Ken S. Roy
Kerry K. Plentywood
Kim V. Martinsdale
Kirk S. Chester
Kurt M. Stanford
Kyle K. Harlem
Land L. Greenough
Larry C. Noxon
Latrice T. Browning
Lemual S. Busby
Leo M. Columbus
Leon L. Havre
Libby K. Harlem
Lisa W. Kila
Lise R. S. Polson
Lon W. Geraldine
Loren B. Polson
Luci B. Victor
Lyle P. Billings
Mable R. Browning
Margaret B. Great Falls
Mark F. Miles City
Mark M. Stanford
Marla W. Cut Bank
Martin M. Fort Benton
Mary Ellen V. Carter
Matt O. Ovando
Matt R. Simms
Matt S. Wilsall
Mickey S. Lodge Grass
Mike D. Browning
Mike J. Plentywood
Mike S. Billings
Mike T. Browning
Myrna K. Plentywood
Myrna P. Choteau
Nancy G. Polson
Nancy J. Plentywood
Nancy T. Bigfork
Nate P. Belgrade
Oscar M. Kila
Patricia A. Big Timber
Patricia L. Lewistown
Patrick C. Laurel
Patsy M. Joplin
Patty Q. Harlem
Paul F. Babb
Paul N. Gallatin Gateway
Paul S. Boulder
Paula F. Babb
Phil O. Ovando
PJ M. Stanford
Rae P. Lame Deer
Ralph P. Choteau
Randy S. Lodge Grass
Randy S. Dawson County
Ray O. Conrad
Reuben K. Harlem
Rex R. Stanford
Rhett M. Cut Bank
Rich L. Great Falls
Robert G. East Helena
Robert R. Stanford
Robin H. Big Sandy
Rock G. Browning
Roy O. Shawmut
Sarah D. Sidney
Sarah S. Wilsall
Sas W. Belgrade
Sean T. Coffee Creek
Sharlene M. Red Lodge
Shawn R. Garryowen
Sherry C. Noxon
Sonny D. Heart Butte
Stephanie S. Hilger
Steve C. Scobey
Steve C. Charlo
Steve C. Shepherd
Steve D. Dixon
Steve E. Victor
Steve H. Scobey
Steve H. Broadus
Susan F. Babb
Suzy W. Cut Bank
Sylvia M. St. Marys
Teresa Y. Buffalo
Terry M. Boulder
Terry P. Birney
Terry T. Heart Butte
Thomas A. Big Timber
Tim B. Power
Timothy P. Big Sandy
Tom R. Hall
Tom S. Baker
Tom V. Fairfield
Toni L. Reed Point
Tracey V. Fairfield
Trudi P. Garneill
Ty R. Browning
Vicki W. Stanford
Victoria W. Geraldine
Vivian W. Loma
Wade J. Malta
Wade S. Willard
Walt S. Geyser
Wendy P. Raynesford
William V. Carter
Willis C. Missoula
Yvonne F. Jackson