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NEW DIGITAL ADS: Tim Sheehy Will Take Away Montana Women’s Reproductive Freedom

Campaign News August 7, 2024

Ads highlight Tim Sheehy’s support for a national abortion ban 


BILLINGS – Today, Montanans for Tester released two new 15-second digital ads about the threat Tim Sheehy poses to Montana women’s reproductive freedom. 


50 Years Ago,” features Kitty, a Montanan who had to travel out of the country to get an abortion before Roe v. Wade protected safe, legal abortion access in the United States. Like so many other Montanans, Kitty is terrified that Tim Sheehy’s efforts to ban abortion would drag us back to a dark time before reproductive health care was protected. 


WATCH: “50 Years Ago

Decision,” features Amber, a Montanan who made the decision to get an abortion with the trusted consultation of her doctor. But now Tim Sheehy wants the government to be involved in that decision, and allow politicians to ban abortion with no exceptions. Tim Sheehy will take away a woman’s freedom to make decisions about her body and her right to privacy. 


WATCH: “Decision



KITTY: 50 years ago I needed an abortion. 


It was before Roe v. Wade so I had to go to Tijuana. 


Tim Sheehy wants to go back to those dark times and let politicians ban abortions. 


Stop Tim Sheehy from taking away our reproductive freedom. 





AMBER: The decision to get an abortion was between me and my doctor. 


Tim Sheehy wants to take that freedom away, and give the power to politicians. 


Letting them ban abortion with no exceptions, criminalizing women like me. 


We have to stop Tim Sheehy from taking our freedom away.