NEW TV AD: Montana Cancer Patient Emphasizes Threat of Tim Sheehy’s Plan to Privatize Health Care
Sheehy’s privatized health care plan would drive up medical costs for Montanans
BILLINGS – Today, Montanans for Tester released a new 30-second TV ad, “Bankrupted,” featuring Elizabeth, a Montana cancer patient who would have gone bankrupt without health insurance to help pay for treatment and is terrified about the threat Tim Sheehy poses to affordable health care.
“Bankrupted” highlights how Tim Sheehy wants to privatize health care, which would shutter rural hospitals, threaten to end programs like Medicare and Medicaid, and pass on high health care costs directly to Montanans.
WATCH: “Bankrupted”
JON TESTER: I’m Jon Tester and I approve this message.
ELIZABETH: I was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a deadly brain tumor in early March.
Without insurance, the treatment would have bankrupted me and left my sons with nothing but bills.
ELIZABETH: So when Tim Sheehy says…
TIM SHEEHY: “We need to return health care to pure privatization. Health care worked before health insurance existed.”
ELIZABETH: I know exactly what that would cost.
That might work for multi-millionaires like Tim Sheehy. But not for me or my family.