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NEW TV AD: Montanan on Medicare Emphasizes the Danger of Tim Sheehy’s Plan to Privatize Health Care

Campaign News August 16, 2024

Sheehy’s privatized health care plan would end Medicare and raise the cost of prescription medication


BILLINGS – Today, Montanans for Tester released a new 30-second TV ad, “Terrifying,” featuring Pat, a Montanan who relies on Medicare to afford her medications and is terrified about how Tim Sheehy would privatize health care, destroy Medicare, and let insurance companies charge patients whatever they want.


Jon Tester has been fighting to bring down the cost of prescription drugs – including passing legislation that caps the cost of insulin at $35/month for seniors on Medicare. But Sheehy called to return health care to “pure privatization,” which would dismantle Medicare.


WATCH: “Terrifying



JON TESTER: I’m Jon Tester and I approve this message. 


PAT: My husband and I rely on Medicare to afford our medications. 


But still pay thousands out of pocket. 


PAT: It was terrifying when I read what Tim Sheehy said.


TIM SHEEHY: “In my opinion we need to return health care to pure privatization.” 


PAT: You heard that right. Sheehy would privatize health care, destroy Medicare, and let insurance companies charge us whatever they want.


Montanans just can’t afford Tim Sheehy.