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WHAT MONTANANS ARE READING: Jon Tester Demands to Put Politics Aside to Secure the Border

January 25, 2024

BILLINGS – Jon Tester is demanding that Congress put politics aside to reach a bipartisan solution to secure the border and deliver the resources our border patrol agents desperately need. 

Read more from Jon on the importance of securing the border: 

Helena Independent Record: Jon Tester: Time to get the job done and secure our southern border

By Jon Tester

January 20, 2024

  • Montanans know that what’s happening at our southern border right now is a serious problem, plain and simple. No matter your political beliefs, allowing anyone to enter the country without being properly vetted or going through a legal process undermines our national security.
  • We know that drug cartels are taking advantage of these gaps in our border security to traffic drugs and people across the border. That needs to stop. For too long, Congress has kicked the can down the road on securing our southern border and some have even refused to fund it. It’s time to stop kicking and get the job done.
  • The stories of those impacted Montana families, local governments’ budgets that are stretched thin, and our national security are front of mind for me when I’ve told President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas that what’s happening on our southern border is unacceptable. 


Fox News: This Democratic US senator says it’s time to get the job done and secure our southern border

January 25, 2024

  • That is why I urged Senate leaders from both parties to prioritize a solution to the border crisis, one that I believe we should have stayed in Washington and worked over the holidays to solve. The lack of urgency from my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to address this crisis is frankly disturbing.
  • My message to the President and my colleagues in Congress is simple: It’s time to stop pointing fingers, quit using the border as a political talking point, and roll up our sleeves. I’m committed to working with anyone, Republican or Democrat, to get a deal done that secures our borders and protects our state and our country.


Fox News: Tester Joins Calls to Secure Border


Washington Examiner: Tester calls on Congress to find bipartisan solution to ‘unacceptable’ border crisis

By Emily Jacobs

January 22, 2024

  • Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) on Monday called on President Joe Biden and Congress to “quit using the border as a political talking point” and come together to reach a bipartisan solution.
  • Tester, whose 2024 race will likely decide control of the U.S. Senate, made the comments in an op-ed published Monday in the Helena Independent Record. The Montana Democrat urged a divided Congress and White House to seek common ground on the border crisis, which he says he told the president is “unacceptable.”
