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WHAT MONTANANS ARE SAYING: Jon is Only Member of the MT Delegation Working to Secure the Border

February 20, 2024

BILLINGS – Third-generation dirt farmer and U.S. Senator Jon Tester continues to push to secure the border for our national security and to tackle the fentanyl crisis, and Montanans are making it clear they support Jon in this fight.

Montanans want action on the border now. Read what Montanans have to say about it for themselves in this week’s letters to the editor: 

Dave Chadwick, Helena: “Jon Tester wants this bipartisan national security bill to move forward. He is a serious lawmaker who knows the importance of securing the border and defending threats to democracy around the world…Once again, Jon Tester is reminding us that action is more important than talk. The rest of Montana’s congressional delegation would do well to follow his lead and support the bipartisan national security bill instead of spending their time — and our tax dollars — on talking points and political fundraising.” 

Doug James, Billings: “America has a border problem. It is imperative that our elected officials take action to address this issue…Montana deserves better representation in Congress. We need elected officials who are willing to work across party lines to find solutions to our nation’s problems, including the border crisis. It is tragic that Daines, Rosendale and Zinke have put party and politics before what is best for America.” 

Adela Awner, Billings: “Everyone in Washington needs to be working together, putting solutions over politics, to solve the border crisis…Now, thanks to the negotiators hard work and willingness to compromise and not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, the Senate has crafted a bill that includes both policies and money to implement those policies to finally, after decades of doing nothing, begin to improve the worsening stalemate on the southern border.” 

Jon has been steadfast in his support for the bipartisan border deal to secure the border, calling it a “commonsense bill” that “would be the most significant action taken by Congress to address our broken immigration system in literally decades.”
