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Montanans For Tester Announces More Than $5 Million Raised in Q3

October 10, 2023

BILLINGS – Today, the campaign for Big Sandy dirt farmer Jon Tester announced raising more than $5 million in the third quarter of 2023, a powerful show of strength that sets a new record for the best off-year fundraising Q3 in a Montana Senate race. 

“The powerful grassroots support behind Jon Tester this year leaves no question: Montanans are fired up to keep the dirt farmer from Big Sandy in the United States Senate,” said Shelbi Dantic, Montanans for Tester campaign manager. “They know they can count on Jon Tester to defend the Montana that three generations of his family have called home, and fight for the folks who understand a hard day’s work. We’re grateful for the energy behind this campaign and we’re hitting the ground running.”

Montanans for Tester’s off-year Q3 by the numbers: 

  • Jon Tester has received donations from Montanans in all 56 counties across the state, demonstrating the strength of Jon’s grassroots coalition that spans from Montana’s most rural communities to its Big Seven cities. 
  • Montanans for Tester ends Q3 with the largest off-year amount it has ever had, reporting more than $13 million cash-on-hand.
  • The $5 million haul follows Tester’s record-breaking Q1 and Q2, and is the most money ever raised in an off-year Q3 in a Montana Senate election.
  • 97% of donations to Montanans for Tester were under $200.
  • The average donation to Montanans for Tester in Q3 was less than $50.
  • In Q3, Montanans for Tester received more than 15,000 donations from Montanans.



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