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NEW TV AD: Hunter Education Teacher Praises Jon Tester for Protecting Funding for Hunter and Gun Safety Programs

January 4, 2024

BILLINGS – Today, the campaign for third-generation dirt farmer and U.S. Senator Jon Tester released a new 30-second TV ad, “Heritage,” featuring hunter education teacher John Salazar praising Jon for protecting the Montana way of life. The ad highlights how Jon Tester stood up to the Biden administration to protect funding for archery, gun safety, and hunter safety education programs in schools across Montana

In “Heritage,” John Salazar talks about how Montana’s heritage is rooted in the outdoors, and how Jon Tester will always stand up to anyone to defend Montanan’s way of life and our Second Amendment rights. 

WATCH: “Heritage”


JOHN SALAZAR: I love teaching hunter education and passing on Montana’s outdoor heritage to the next generation.

When I heard the Biden administration was trying to block funding for gun safety and hunter education classes, I knew Jon Tester would do what he always does – give ’em hell!

Jon got his Republican colleagues on board to stop Biden’s policy and defend our Second Amendment rights. 

Montanans know Jon always defends our way of life from anyone. No matter what. 

JON TESTER: I’m Jon Tester, and I approve this message. 
